Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I am an arms dealer fitting you with weapons in the form of words

On Friday night Denise, Brandon, Bridget and I went to go see the movie Valkyrie. Boy, what a fiasco that was. We first went to the del amo mall to see it and the line was so incredibly long that we would miss the show that we had got there for. So then we went to rolling hills and there was no lights on at all the parking lots. And there was absolutely no parking. We drove everywhere looking for parking. I was ready to give up after like a half an hour when someone backed out. We really didn’t want to go to any late showings but when Denise went to go pay with her credit card for the 8:00 show so it would be faster, it was already sold out. By this time I was angry, I went to two places to see this movie.. I WAS GOING TO SEE IT! I had already planned on seeing so it was going to happen. We decided to stay for the 10:05 showing. Unfortunately this left us with two hours of free time. We couldn’t go somewhere in my car, because then we will lose the parking spot. So we decided that we would eat very slowly at Island’s. All of us had already eaten, but we needed something to do. It was also freezing outside. We ate faster than we wanted to and ended up just sitting inside the theatre waiting for them to let us in.

The movie was very good. Though Denise and I found ourselves stressing out even though we all knew what the outcome would be. I was glad that they made that movie, all you ever hear about in school is how the Germans were horrible people. No one ever talks about how not everyone agreed with what was going on. Even though this was a great movie, we didn’t understand why we were so bent on seeing it. It is just unbelievable how one man can convince a whole nation of something that’s not even true.

Friday, December 19, 2008

now if she does it like this, will you do it like that?

so a lot of people say that you are like your friends. I agree with this to a certain extent. I am my own person and I want to keep it that way, but there are certain things that I know i pick up. Like my coworkers and my boss all played mafia one night and my boss kept saying "CLEARLY!" and so to make fun of him we would say it all the time and now I say it all the time in my everyday vernacular. haha. But I pick up other things too, for example, if my friends are trying to always do what is right, I will want to do the same. I am realizing how important it is to surround yourself with people that will help you.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match, what a catch

Some of you may know that I am learning Japanese for fun. So I decided to go and and find out how to say " merry Christmas" in Japanese. They didn't have it in any of my books so I went online. Unfortunately.. it's just the same as in English. But I did see somethings that I thought was funny. Apparently Christmas is very important to young women. They must have a guy to be with and to shower them in gifts... especially really expensive gifts. Girls with boyfriends like to show off to single depressed girls. Silly huh? .. Well I was thinking that it's not too much different than it is here. I mean.. no one wants to spend Christmas alone. But I guess it's not as extreme as it is there. I just found it amusing. I don't even remember why I am posting this

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

They know you’re just a boy, so grow up and be that man

It seems to me more and more that the choices we make are not only for ourselves but others. We don’t consciously think about it, but what we do affects the others around us. For example I have seen many instances where people are just not living up to what they need to be and in turn I end up suffering for it. Instead of doing the right thing, or just not thinking things through, whatever people decide to do, we all have to deal with the outcome. At first I was only thinking about others and how they have affected me, but now I see that I too must watch what I do because the same goes for me. If everyone was trying to be the best that they could be, things would be a lot different. So I know that personally, I will be always striving to make the best choice possible, rather than a rash one.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy

So today the new fall out boy cd came out! ( did u really expect me not to blog about this? haha) I just started listening to it. And I am soo happy. What I have heard is great! I specifically remember the day that their last cd came out because I was allowed to skip school because the night before was a late night. .. the night my dad walked out. I remember buying the cd at target and wondering what the future held. luckily fall out boy didn't let me down and they had a great cd. Now a little over a year later things may not be perfect.. but they are pretty good. .. and fall out boy is still in my heart. ( even though I can't love pete wentz anymore because he is married and has a child)

Friday, December 12, 2008


1) Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate most definately. Egg nog is beyond disgusting!

2) Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? sits them under the tree

3) Colored lights or white? it depends

4) Do you hang mistletoe? no.. I have no one to kiss. eh heh eh heh ... haha

5) When do you get out your decorations? well, mother decorates... and like the day after thanksgiving.

6) Favorite holiday dish, excluding dessert? either rolls or mashed potatoes

7) Favorite holiday memory as a child? maybe when one of my aunts on my dad's side threatened my brother and said she was going to rip his arm off... I was scarred for life.. but it is amusing.. now that she is not around.. haha

8) When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I really have no idea.. I just think I always knew. haha

9) Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? no

10) How do you decorate your trees? with ornaments and lights.. but currently I don't have one due to having 5 cats

11) Snow, love it or hate it? I have never really been in real snow.. so idk

12) Can you ice skate? yes, i'm not pro status but I like it!

13) Do you remember your favorite gift? I can't really pin point a favorite...

14) What is the most important thing about the holidays for you? Jesus <3

15) Favorite Holiday dessert? cookies

16) Favorite Christmas tradition? opening presants

17) What tops your tree? an angel

18) What's better giving or receiving? giving :D

19) Favorite Christmas song? mary did you know?

20) Candy Canes, yummy or yucky? yummy if I'm in the mood

21) What do you want for Christmas? i'm not sure

22) Do you attend an annual Christmas Party? no

23) Do you dress up for Christmas eve? if there is a service at church yes

24) Do you own a Santa Hat? yes.. it's a pooh one!

25) Who do you normally spend Christmas with? my family

You know what's next right? Time to tag people
um, hattie.. cassi,,.. anyone else who hasn't been tagged ( i really don't know who has been tagged)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

the carol of the bell?

A year ago I bought a large silver bell with stars on it. Why you may ask? Well, every time I would work with my coworker she would always run into me. She would always say, “ Wear a bell!” So, as a joke I bought it to strap onto myself the next time I worked with her. Unfortunately I never work with her. ( it probably has something to do with the fact that all we do is talk ) so I never got to use it. Occasionally my kittens would play with it, thought most times it was too big for them and too loud for me to deal with. So the other day, Saturday, was a busy morning. There was an at&t guy that was coming in and out tearing up the house trying to fix our broken internet. ( which is still broken because we need a new modem) The door bell rang once again and this time it was a woman with a few young girls from a youth group on a scavenger hunt. I remember the days when I used to do those. They were fun. So me and Brandon were still in our pjs and the girls wanted to take a picture with our happy birthday Jesus flag. Apparently that was on their list. Along with a Christmas napkin or paper towel. Little did they know that they had hit the jackpot at our house. But the last thing that they needed was a jingle bell. Brandon took off to find one, because we have a ton of crafty random things in our house. But then I remembered that stupid bell. I ran it out to them and they were beyond excited. They were so happy about it. It tickled me. I’m glad that instead of it being used for a one minute sarcastic joke, it made some little girls’ day.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I haven't blogged in ages

Gerard Butler... that's all I have to say.