Tuesday, November 4, 2008

you say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we all want to change the world.

Today is election day. my first time ever voting which is kind of cool. It makes me feel grown up and patriotic. I never have gotten into politics before and I really in all honesty don't know too much, but I know enough. I knew that I couldn't just not vote, there were too many issues that were important. And if I didn't vote, I would be held responsible before God. I was scared to go. I hate doing things by myself especially things that I haven't done before, but I did it and I got a sticker. I kind of felt stupid because I didn't know what to do. But how am I supposed to know?! So, we will see what happens. If I watch most of the coverage tonight and write about it, I get extra credit in history. And I really need extra credit, so .. it looks like I will be staying up late.


Unknown said...

i love politics and writing about the election!!!!!!!!!!!! hoorah hooray!

Cassi said...

It was Christopher's first time too!!! How exciting!!

Alexis said...

I remember the first time I voted. I felt like I was singlehandedly changing the world.

Welcome to the voting side!

Miss Candice said...

I am very proud of you for getting out there and voting. It may seem like one vote won't make much of a difference... but when hundreds of thousands of people think the same way, then it most certainly DOES make a difference. Good job Brittany! Getting a sticker makes it all worth it ;-)