Thursday, October 23, 2008

we're only good for the latest trends (fall out blog)

So Fall Out Boy has put up 3 new songs from their upcoming album on itunes so you can purchase them early. This is great fun not only for me, but for them, because they know that they are making money off of people like me who can’t just wait to buy the cd, but must buy the songs now, for .99 cents each. I know that it is a rip off.. but I just couldn’t help myself! I love them so! Each one of the songs is very different from the other and from what FOB normally does. Though they are different, doesn’t mean they aren’t good. They are. Very much so in fact and I like them very much. They will get ridiculed I know. I don’t understand why people can’t just accept it when a band goes a different way. Music is an expression of one’s self. Peoples tastes change. This is what happens. It is the band’s music and they should be able to explore if they want to. You can’t expect them to continue to sound exactly like they did 7 years ago when they started. They are being influenced by different things then they were then. So I am excited to see what all they will provide for us with the rest of their new album. But until then,… I will do with the 3 that I have now.


Unknown said...

your FOB Logic makes me laugh. I still agree with Nick.

staceelianna said...

i agree... your FOB logic makes me laugh too... and it kinda reminds me of how i felt about 27 years ago when i loved plus one. :P

Unknown said...

aaww Plus One <3<3