Saturday, October 11, 2008

chasing a lion in a hardcore pit on a windy day

So last night was the start of our Bible study. It will about chasing the lions in our lives. I have had the privilege to chase two lions all within a matter of two weeks. The first being meeting with my father and the second I chased last night on the way home.. when I was peer pressured by denise and bridget to get on the freeway.. something I have never done. Though I know I need to and want to.. it scared me. But I did it and survived to tell about it. I really like this chasing lion thing.. though it makes me want to puke. Afterward I feel all better.
Another thing that I really like is hardcore shows. I have been to one every week for the last 3 weeks. I am extremely amused by the hardcore "dancing" or whatever u want to call it these days. It never fails to make me laugh. I often think about when I have children what they will be doing at these sort of things. The scene has changed so drastically from when I was 12 and going all the time. For instance nobody sweated on me and I still look nice with my hair in place. Not to mention I am wearing a very cute sweater that I wore inside and did not get too hot. I love the fact that the room is filled with boys my age with sagging tight pants, stretched ears, and hair all over the place. From hardcore shows I have learned the importance of fellow females. At these things we are the minority and it feels good to have someone like u there. Though this also presents a problem. Every girl is trying to be the cutest and thinking the other is a slut. Everyone is territorial of the boys that aren't even ours.. but we wish they were.. and that is why we go.


Nicky Stade said...

I remember the first time I drove on the freeway after moving here. Terrifying! I'm glad your friends encouraged you to chase that lion. ;o)

And I just realized why I thought you got a haircut tonight. It's because I haven't seen your hair down in a long time. It's always up in a ponytail with your bangs are clipped up! =D

Unknown said...

indeed that's why we go, and also to hear some good music on occasion (: lol