Friday, May 30, 2008

the nazis are invading

So I know this is going to sound weird, but.. my cat is a nazi. My cat Dizzle. Everynight ( or early morning rather) she attacks me in my sleep.. Brutally. At first I thought it was because she wanted to be petted, but even when I pet her she still attacks me. Well, the other day my brother and I were staying up late watching a movie or something and Dizzle just starts putting her paw in the air. Hailing Hitler. There was nothing for her to swat at so that couldn't have been why she was doing it. And then it all came together. She likes to attack me because I am not blond and blue eyed. So basically she is going to kill me and my siblings and let my mother live. So we decided that I would have to write a diary called "The Diary of Brittany Garcia" and all jr.highers would have to read it. And in discussing this with Candice, we have realized that there are more nazis than just my cat. For example, the once beloved steve trainer ( the hot personal trainer at ballys whom I was supposed to marry) is indeed a nazi. He didn't pick up my towel when it fell behind me on the treadmil. He walked by, stopped looked at it, looked at me and kept walking. If I were blonde, I'm sure he would have picked it up. So all of you who aren't blond.. watch out the nazis are back!


Anonymous said...

i don't want you to meet the same fate that Anne Frank did... I think your cat needs to go into hiding... show it that Nazi-ism is teh devil! (:

oh brittany, I know secretly you just want to dye your hair blonde and get blue contacts....

Cassi said...

that's too funny Brit... still laughing...

Nicky Stade said...

also still laughing...(and afeared...*looks around nervously*)

Alexis said...

Shoot...where *did* I put that platinum hair dye?

staceelianna said...

stupid stupid stupid steve trainer.

sharkiepatronus said...

Oh Brittany!....

sarahbeth said...

ROTFL. That's hilarious!

Hattie said...

Does that mean I'm safe?