Tuesday, February 23, 2010

im back

So this will officially be my last Al post ( yay im sure u are all pleased.) I would say that we could consider ourselves to be friends again. We worked together for an hour the other day and bascially filled each other in on everything that we have missed. He is going through a lot of stuff right now, so I texted him letting him know that I am always there. After that we talked all sunday night and yesterday. I miss doing that.
I would say that not only are we fine, but me personally. I am completely over it. I also feel like I have returned. I know that I haven't been myself for the last month. I have been cranky, picking fights with people, and just not my normal happy self. But I feel like I am back. It took two months for me to deal with this and be fine. But I am happy that time is now finally here.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I actually looked for the "like" button for a second.

I am so happy for you Britt!