Friday, August 14, 2009

Bring your ship about to watch a friend drown, stood over the ledge begged you to come down. You can only lean on me for so long

Question: lets say u have a friend. And you used to be very close but then that friend started hanging out with the wrong crowd, but you were still there for her. And the wrong crowd left her and you were there. But you werent fun enough so she tried to find other people and ended up hanging with the worst crowd. But you were still there for her. And she decided to live a life that is not very good. But you were still there for her. And you accepted her still and didn't judge her and you let her know that you were there. But then she pushed you away becuase she knew what she was doing was wrong. You tell her she needs to change her life so she pushes you away more. What do you do now? Do you still try to put up with her nonsense or do u just let her live her life?
This is basically what I am dealing with now. I am exhausted and there are soo many thoughts spinning around my head. Do I still try to b there for her or do I wash my hands of the situation? I feel like the "Jesus" thing to do would b to still b there and listen to her shenanigans and baby her like everyone else does to try and get her to stop. But I mean, if people don't want to listen and they don't want to change, what can you do?
If I could get some feedback I would greatly appreciate it.


just_me_tiff said...

i'm late to reading :( sorry!
this is a hard situation...for sure pray. and that sounds like the typical christian thing to say but it's so true! all you can do is lay it as Jesus' feet and let Him change her. You can still be there in the sense that you don't judge, and you love her. however, you do not have to exhaust your whole life to her. i would let the holy spirit lead you in this situation. if the holy spirit prompts you to take action do it. and take some real quite time with God to press in and seriously pray for this girl. that's all i have :) hope all is well

Alexis said...

I've been in your shoes several times...and I think sometimes you need to use "tough love". You tell her how much you love her. That you'll always be there.That she knows her choices are wrong and bad for her and that you love her too much to just watch without saying anything.

Jesus was all about telling people that they were hurting themselves and God. He just did it lovingly.

Acting like everything is "fine" is not going to help her.

And you keep praying.

I'm sorry this is so hard!

Miss Candice said...

I know who you are talking about.
And I know it really hurts to see a close friend drift further and further away. But there comes a point when you can no longer do much to help, besides to continue praying for her and hoping that she will come back around.

You let her know that you are still there for her if she should ever need, but you can't take part or be dragged into things are are pulling her down. You love her like Jesus loves her, but you also have to look out for yourself and your happiness.