Thursday, December 18, 2008

I've got troubled thoughts and the self-esteem to match, what a catch

Some of you may know that I am learning Japanese for fun. So I decided to go and and find out how to say " merry Christmas" in Japanese. They didn't have it in any of my books so I went online. Unfortunately.. it's just the same as in English. But I did see somethings that I thought was funny. Apparently Christmas is very important to young women. They must have a guy to be with and to shower them in gifts... especially really expensive gifts. Girls with boyfriends like to show off to single depressed girls. Silly huh? .. Well I was thinking that it's not too much different than it is here. I mean.. no one wants to spend Christmas alone. But I guess it's not as extreme as it is there. I just found it amusing. I don't even remember why I am posting this


Unknown said...

i am truly glad we do not live in Japan.

sharkiepatronus said...

I am truly glad that We don't live in Japan as Well. I don't like seafood. They eat a lot of it.

So Christmas is the Japanese Equivalent of the American Valentine's Day?!