Wednesday, November 19, 2008

You hold the future in Your hand, You know my dreams and You have a plan

So I started reading Kate Gosselin’s book, Multiple Blessings. She starts the book off with talking about how she has to and always has had to plan everything out. Now, no matter how much I don’t want to be like Kate, I am the same way. I plan out each day. Basically every minute I am planning what I will do next. And when my plans get ruined I am very upset. But she said something that really clicked. She started talking about how her future is very well-planned. I never really thought about that. God is a planner and He has my whole life planned out. It’s weird to think about, but anything that I dream up, or plan is nothing compared to what He has. So I am excited to see how my life will unfold. ( though I really hope that my future doesn’t bring sextuplets like Kate’s did… because I seriously don’t think I could handle it. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t made for that. Haha)


Unknown said...

i will laugh so much when your sextuplets are born... britt and nick plus 6?

Miss Candice said...

Hahaha, your stomach would be bigger than YOU!

Cassi said...

I could not even imagine having that many kids... would so have to turn it into a tv show to get all the help!!

Nicky Stade said...

I know everyone seems to hold animosity towards poor Kate, but Jason swears up and down that I am just. like. her. LOL And now that I have a haircut, he said I LOOK like her too! LOL I laugh at that show, because if I'm like Kate, Jason is totally just like Jon. We are that show. Without the extra kids and the cameras. LOL

Hattie said...

I heart that show.